Listen to the ‘Elemental’ live recording on ABC Classic
Conducted by Carl Crossin
Recorded live at UKARIA Cultural Centre Sunday 6 October 2024 and broadcast on ABC Classic Lunchtime Concert Series Sunday 1 December 2024 from 12.30pm.
Producer Luke Altmann
Engineer Tom Henry

/ˌɛlɪˈmɛntl/ …adjective
…embodying the powers of nature
…of an emotion; powerful and primitive
Elemental – a curious but powerful word! It invokes the forces of nature, or the so-called ‘classical elements’ of fire, earth, water and air; it characterises our emotional states; and it defines the fundamental things and beliefs we value in our lives.
This program explores ‘the elemental’ in music: through the emotional turmoil of Lauridsen’s Fire Madrigals and original models by Monteverdi and Gesualdo; the calm reassurance of Ticheli’s Earth Song; and the comfort of eternal peace in Stanhope’s Agnus Dei, we remind ourselves of the real reason we still give, and attend, ‘live’ concerts – to engage and to feel, in the moment and in the room where it happens!
Elemental Singers
Alexandra Bollard*
Emma Borgas
Victoria Coxhill
Imogen Tonkin
Brooke Window
with Cassandra Humble
Rachel Bruerville
Courtney Day*
Sophie Schumacher
Emma Woehle
with Genevieve Spalding
Aidan Foyel
Martin Penhale
Kit Tonkin
Graham Yuile
Andrew Bettison
Jonathan Bligh
Christopher Gann
Nikolai Leske
Jordan Rose
*With apologies, singers marked * had to withdraw from this program
Sí, ch’io vorrei morire Claudio Monteverdi (1567–1643)
Il bianco e dolce cigno Jacques Arcadelt (c. 1505–1568)
Water Night Eric Whitacre (b. 1970)
Madrigali set 1 Morten Lauridsen (b. 1943)
from Six Fire Songs on Italian Renaissance poems
1. Ov’è, lass’, il bel viso?
2. Quando son più lontan
Earth Song Frank Ticheli (b. 1958)
Madrigali set 2 Morten Lauridsen
from Six Fire Songs on Italian Renaissance poems
3. Amor, io sento l’alma
4. Io piango
Luci serene e chiare Carlo Gesualdo (1566–1613)
Madrigali set 3 Morten Lauridsen
from Six Fire Songs on Italian Renaissance poems
5. Luci serene e chiare
6. Se per havervi, oime
Agnus Dei (Do not stand at my grave and weep) Paul Stanhope (b. 1969)
Fratres Arvo Pärt (b. 1935)
Didn’t My Lord Deliver Daniel? adapted SATB choir by Carl Crossin Traditional Spiritual arr. Moses Hogan (1957–2003)